Text in the past: German dream of unity is now a reality
Oct 3, 1990. Germany is one nation again. The rebirth was at midnight with a triumphant sound of bells. There were black, red and gold flags in the hands of hundreds of people.
Forty-five years after the end of the Second World War, Germany was free and united in liberty. The future is uncertain. There are many difficulties to be faced, but tonight there is only joy.
Help: rebirth – renascimento; flag – bandeira; bell – sino; hundreds – centenas; to face: enfrentar; tonight – hoje à noite; joy – alegria; at last – finalmente.
1. The end of World War II was in:
a) 1935. b) 1945.
2. Hitler was born in:
a) Germany. b) Austria.
Respostas: 1. B; 2. B.
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