Na dinâmica pela notícia, se você procura simpatia ampla, vai enlouquecer a si e aos demais, além de enganar muitos em todo tempo. Já se quiser informar com base em fatos e dados, entendendo haver uma responsabilidade além da ética comum, não terá unanimidade de satisfeitos, porém todos bem sabedores.
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Whether you...
Duas apresentações, uma definida.
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de Ou...
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*1 Coríntios 15: 27-28 “*Pois se lê: Todas as coisas suj...
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Inglês – Text: A mother in doubt, questions:
5/08/2010 04:52:00 PM
Inglês – Text: A mother in doubt
Dear Mr. Clover, My daughter Laura tries to study English every day. But she never learns it well. Do you think that she has a bad memory for languages?
Aretha Thompson
Dear Mrs. Thompson,
I don’t think Laura has a bad memory for languages. She’s a bright student. Maybe your daughter lacks interest or she doesn’t like the subject for one reason or another. Perhaps she is studying at a wrong time of the day. You say that she “tries to study”. Why doesn’t she really study? I mean, study and not try to.
Sometimes people pretend to study, but unconsciously they don’t pay attention to what they are doing. Ask Laura to talk to her teacher before it is late.
Ken Clover (coordinator)
Vocabulary: dear – esteemed; to learn – to come to know; bright – brilliant; maybe – perhaps; to lack – to miss/have need (of); to mean – to denote/to have in mind; sometimes – occasionally; to pretend – to make believe/to simulate; lat – after the proper time.
1. Mrs. Thompson writes to Mr. Clover in the condition of a:
a) student; b) mother; c) teacher; d) daughter; e) coordinator.
2. The text is about:
a) school problems; b) discipline; c) learning difficulties; d) adolescence conflicts;
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